Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Great Taste of the Heights

This past weekend, the Great Taste of the Heights was held in my 'hood. "What is this?" you might ponder. Let me explain: about 20 restaurants in and near the Heights bought booths at this festival and served samples of their best dishes. There was also a live band and drinks. The festival was held in a church parking lot so I thought it was weird that they served alcohol... anyone else? It was really fun! A little hot, but fun. I will definitely be going next year. However, because SOMEONE (Brooke) forgot her tickets and had to go home to pick them back up, we got there about 7:45. I will get there the minute it opens next year. Pics below! PS I need to do a better job taking pics when I'm out. 

Pre-Party at mi casa with Johnny, Brooke, Charlotte, Caroline, Kathleen, and Jennifer.

At the event! As you can see, it is in a large tent with lots of booths.

Food Highlights: 
Max's Wine Dive and their Fried Egg Sandwich
Chicken curry from Jenni's Noodle House
Burgers from Christian's Tailgate (new location coming to the Heights!)

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