Thursday, December 30, 2010

First "recipe"- Baked Asparagus

Disclaimer: this isn't really a recipe. But, if you are a new to cooking, you have to start somewhere. When I was unsure if I should even to put this up, my friend, Elizabeth, said, "Well I don't cook asparagus because I don't know how!" Soooo, here's to you girl. PS: I semi-copied the recipe format of Keeping Up With the Joneses. I love how she does step-by-step pics! It makes it so easy!

Baked Asparagus

Asparagus is a cheap, easily accessible veggie. You buy it in bunches in the produce section at any grocery. It will stay in your fridge for a few days so you can buy it early in the week for a mid-week meal. I buy 1 bunch (they will be rubber banded together) to feed 2 adults as a side. All it takes is some olive oil, salt & pepper. 

First step: rinse and pat dry.

Second: You need to break off the bottoms. Just bend the stalk near the end and it will snap in two wherever it needs. Continue with each stalk until all are done. If you're a higher level cook, you can keep these ends to make stock or soup but I don't think I'm quite there yet. 

Side note: I've seen Rachel Ray quickly prep asparagus by snapping one to find the right length and then using that as a measuring tool to cut the rest with a large knife. However, I think it's therapeutic to snap each one! 

Next, get a large plastic baggie and put all asparagus inside. Drizzle some olive oil on top. You don't need a lot, just enough to coat the asparagus- you'll see how to do this in the next step. Remember, you can always add more.

Then, zip the baggie closed and shake to coat the asparagus with the olive oil. Using the baggie method let's you use the least amount of olive oil to coat. (This also works well with salad dressing on lettuce!)

Put the asparagus in a small baking dish. You don't need to spray or grease the baking dish because the olive oil does that for you. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or so. If you're short on time, you can bake at 425 for 20 minutes. Both of these cooking methods leaves the asparagus crunchy, just how the boy and I like it.

I'll admit it, this was a cheater cook's meal. The asparagus takes 5 minutes to prep and I used a pre-made entree. CostCo had these fish filled portabella mushrooms topped with shrimp and cheese... Yum! Just bake and serve.

Once you are done baking the asparagus, top with salt and pepper and toss while still in the baking dish. This will make the seasoning even and, again, let you use less.

Finished meal!

*This was the first time Johnny had to take pictures for me, he didn't say it, but I know he thought it was the silliest thing ever. Well, if you're reading this, joke's on you! 

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